Each of us is exposed to many unfavourable factors (comorbidities, environmental factors, bad habits, mental stress etc.), which increase the body needs for vitamins and trace elements.
Under the influence of these factors, the risk of developing diet-related diseases - hypovitaminosis and microelementoses - INCREASES MARKEDLY
THIS WAS MADE POSSIBLE THANKS TO THE UNIQUE SOFTWARE PRODUCT "VITA-TEST-1 DIAGNOSTICS". VITA-TEST-1 is a scientifically based technology for risk diagnostics of vitamin & trace element deficiencies
VITA-TEST-1 technology is protected by the
Author / Developer of VITA-TEST-1 technology is professor, Ph.D.,
VITA-TEST-1 DIAGNOSTICS is a software product, a modern system of prenosological diagnostics of a personal micronutrient deficiencies risk profile using a special VT-1 Questionnaire. The Questionnaire contains about 120 questions about your health, habits, lifestyle, comorbidities, which are significant factors that increase the risk of vitamin and trace element deficiencies. Each question is associated with a list of vitamins & trace elements, the need for which is increasing if the interviewed person confirmed this diagnosed disease/sign/habit in VT-1 Questionnaire (For example, a positive answer to the question "ANEMIA DIAGNOSED" is significantly associated with increased risk of deficiency and the additional needs of a number of vitamins - B12, C, folacin, as well as iron, copper, etc. This is confirmed more than 30 independent full-scale studies conducted by scientists from different countries). Establishing a relationship between signs/questions of the VT-1 Questionnaire and micronutrient deficiencies (or their additional needs) was carried out on the basis of an expert assessment of data from special scientific literature. The key point that determines the diagnostic significance of the method and the reliability of the results of risk diagnostics is the selection of questions of the VT-1 Questionnaire. For signs selection, the method of systematic qualitative and quantitative review of published research results (meta-analysis) has been used. This method is approved by the International Community of the Cochrane Collaboration (Cochrane Collaboration, Questions of VT-1 Questionnaire combine the concurring expert opinions (data from scientific literature on medicine, the results of our own research - more than 300 sources) on the relationship of risk factors with the likelihood of developing micronutrient deficiencies. The VITA-TEST-1 software summarizes and analyzes the test results, forms a Protocol of diagnostics, which is the basis for the personalized doctor's recommendations for diet correcting.
Scientific approbation of the diagnostic system VITA-TEST-1, carried out during the examination of more than 1000 patients in hospitals, sanatoriums of the Russian Federation, allowed us to draw the following conclusions:
- VITA-TEST-1 diagnostics of risk with the proper application of the method allows us to quickly obtain the important information about the risk profile of micronurtient deficiencies, is sufficient to develop hygienically justified personal recommendations for improving the nutrition quality and dietary prevention of alimentary diseases. It provides the best choice of food soursed of vitamins and trace elementsls, as well as food supplements.
- The completed standard VT-1 Questionnaire form is an important additional source of anamnestic information for the personal doctor/ consultant;
- The results of VITA-TEST-1 diagnostics, based on a comprehensive assessment of health indicators, for the first time clearly confirm the connection between a complex of adverse factors affecting the body and comorbidities on a personal risk of deficiencies in 15 vitamins and 7 trace elements.
- VT-1 diagnostics results allow us to make recommendations on the best choice of food sources of micronutrients, which significantly increases the patient's personal motivation for a positive change of the diet and increases the effectiveness of dietary prevention of diseases;
- The method can only be used to diagnosing a risk profile and for a comparative assessment of the probability of micronutrient's deficiency development and not applicable for determining the content (amount) of vitamins, trace elements in the body, can not be used for accurate diagnosis of any diseases (including hypovitaminosis, microelementoses). VITA-TEST-1 is not a substitute for laboratory and instrumental diagnostics and cannot contradict its results.
- VITA-TEST-1 is based on survey data - a patient's subjective assessment of their health indicators to determine the risk of micronutrient deficiencies. For this reason, the results of VITA-TEST-1 cannot replace the data of objective clinical studies and laboratory diagnostics . An accurate diagnosis of the disease can only be made by the attending physician on the basis of a clinical, laboratory examination.
- The method is not applicable to assess the risk profile of vitamin and trace element deficiency in children, patients in the acute period of diseases, accompanied by disorders of the nervous system, manifestations (specific symptoms) of the skin and mucous membranes, pain, fever, confusion and inadequate perception of reality.
1 Guidelines for the study of actual nutrition and the state of health of the population in connection with the actual nutrition/ Approved Deputy Chief Sanitary Doctor of the USSR, February 8, 1984 N 2967-84
2 Novoselov, V.G. Booklet-Biotester and software for PC "VITA-TEST-1": implementation of a new method of complex diagnostics of personal risk and signs of micronutrient's deficiencies. Perm, 2002.
3 Novoselov, V.G. RF Patent for invention No. 2328220 (10.02.2008) "Method for diagnosing the risk profile of vitamin and trace element deficiencies"
4 Novoselov, V.G. Hygienic substantiation of the diagnostic method of the risk profile of vitamin and trace element deficiencies // Perm Medical Journal, No. 2, 2003, V.20.-P.247-250
5 WHO Expert Committee on Medical Assessment of Nutritional Status (1963) World Health Organization Technical Reports, Ser.258.
6 Jeliffe, D.B. (1966) The Assessment of Nutritional Status of Community. WHO, Geneva
ATTENTION: VITA-TEST-1 is not intended for the diagnostics of diseases - hypovitaminosis, microelementoses, does not diagnose diseases of vitamin and trace element deficiency and does not analyze the content of micronutrients in the body. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis of the disease on the basis of a clinical, laboratory examinations. VITA-TEST-1 reveals only the level of risk (probability of development) of hypovitaminosis and microelementoses, based on a computer analysis of factors that increase a person's needs for vitamins and trace elements and / or provoke the development of vitamin deficiency diseases.
At the same time, the results of risk assessment by VITA-TEST-1 is a sufficient basis for the reasonable individual recommendations on the enrichment of your diet with vitamins and trace elements.